Saturday 27 September 2008

Happy Days are here

'Well Done' I say. The play Happy Days is up and running at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. I was there to be a part of opening night. It is a wonderful production. The play is intriguing, as Samuel Beckett explores with humour and a, barely underlying, dark sensibility. It speaks of our enduring strength in the face of our own real, or imagined, adversity. Winnie, (the main character) finds hope in the smallest things, despair is experienced than sloughed off in order to survive to the next moment. The set we created exhibits a sense of desolation, and isolation, yet has an enduring solidity to it.
My job is done. So, on to the next. I am gearing up, framing and getting the space ready, for the next exhibition here at teh Riverstones Gallery in Burnstown. Richard Gill, my neighbour and fellow artist, is setting up his fall show. Both begin on the 3rd of October continuing through Thanksgiving weekend. "The Sense of Light" are paintings, in watercolour, that explore that sense of dappled warm light. Dancing shadows intrigue me.

Soon there will be an image gallery on my website look for it!


Monday 1 September 2008

Happy Days

'Happy Days', by Samuel Beckett, is on its way, being created. The set for the upcoming production at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa is in full swing. The rather large frame, resembling a beached whale, has been constructed and we are in the process of applying fabric and our painterly version of mud, to its carcass. It develops gradually. My interior child gets a workout as we apply our ‘mud’ to it all. There is a lot of it, the mound is about 20 feet by 30 feet. We have already painted thousands of square feet of floor cloth to accompany the mound. This week we began work on the curtains…. A very red curtain, a yellow, a blue one, as well as a brown one. Whew!