Friday 30 November 2007

selling art

Ah, the vagaries of weather can once again be blamed for a poor showing at an art sale. (Its always good to have a handy excuse why art is not selling. Its an easy choice there are so many opportunities to gather excuses too!)
Selling one's own art, is an art. Your skin thickens with time (thankfully). Eventually one can begin to see your own work through the eyes of others. Its always a revelation, and trends seem to emerge.
It has taught me a lot about people and my art, selling it to them directly. I just wish they could get here tonight.

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Sunday 18 November 2007

rock pool

Several months ago now, I produced a 4 foot by 8 foot painting of a rock pool, on canvas. It is for Art Floor a company that produces high end, practically indestructible, floor panels. You can read about it inthe Ottawa Citizen article on Saturday November 17, 2007. Here's the link I am not mentioned in the article but that is my work that Mr Lance (the owner) is standing beside. To find oput more about art flors, click on
It was a small project for one who is used to painting a theatre floor of 30 feet by 50 feet, on a regular basis. I loved how it turned out...

Saturday 10 November 2007

Dying to Be Sick

Well, a new play at the NAC so I was just in doing the paint touchups. The set had traveled from Toronto and had also spent time in storage, so it needed a bit of TLC. Thats why I am here. Now it looks as fresh as the day it was comceived, ready for 'tech week' and opens next week. Its called Dying to be Sick and is a translation of a Moliere play. I am dying to see it...