Saturday 24 March 2012


CULMINATION...'The reaching of the meridian by a celestial body'.
My body is made of stars.
Bermuda is my constellation.
I reach out, and it is there touchable ..yet....intangible

Wednesday 21 March 2012

ISLAND OF MY EYE, 25 years, a retrospective

THE day draws closer. Opening night of "ISLAND OF MY EYE, 25 years, a retrospective", is Friday. Paintings were delivered yesterday, let the hanging begin, I say. Twenty-five years is a long while, and the enormity of it has really only just begun to bump into my consciousness. Realizations come in stages. Friday, when the show  is set up and the people have arrived and gone home, is when the reality of may hit. We shall see.....
detail of a shutter stop in shade, acrylic on canvas 24x24

As I spend time preparing things, I am in touch with every piece, fondling my past and creating the future, my future.
It has been over a month of, nose to the grindstone paced work, and I hope to see a kind of achievement that satisfies.....

Monday 5 March 2012

Texture and Light workshop at the BSoA in Bermuda