Tuesday 28 February 2012


This morning I wanted the world to end, or at least to stop, to be put on hold....I awakened in my new quarters in Bermuda, the cottage of a friend of mine. I had never been inside. Its quiet. Soft. The sun streamed in through the sheers and bird song was the only "noise". Just stop it all here, this is it, perfect. I'd made myself a hot, fresh, french press coffee in the delightful kitchen, and had snuggled back into bed under the, riot of colour, duvet. The room is spare, painted all in whites.
She dropped off her front door key to me the day before, just as she was on her way to the airport. It is an old fashioned skeleton key for an old fashioned "cottage" in St Davids, old Bermuda. The pastoral feel of the area is a delight. Twisting, steep roads find their way back and forth to the sea. Fields of freesia, casurina trees and oleander bushes speak to the wind. Meanwhile, Kiskadees screech and feral chickens stutter and cluck.
Its easy to get lost, and I did. As I stood in one place, endeavouring to regain my calm in the face of that,and decide which way to turn, the visiting RAF jet took off in front of me. The runway was a few yards down the hill, obscured by cliffs, a turn in the road and my desire to find my way. Its engines broke the day's quiet and it roared unapologetically into the azure sky. It was as if my father had materialized before me. He had taken off from that same strip, many times, in an RCAF aircraft, the Argus, years ago. Moments later, too soon to have recovered my composure, a great, green grey, lumbering companion craft, lifted off as well, embedding my father's ghost in my psyche.
I sighed, waited to see if more were to join the fray. But calm reigned. The planes disappeared into the blue. The day's heat began to swell.
Finally a bus came, and took me away.

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Saturday 25 February 2012

A Somerset Afternoon

A Somerset Afternoon
an artist enhanced serigraph 
 image size is 20" x 30"

This is a favourite image of mine from Bermuda, the Somerset rectory building. One year I would go by it on the bus most days, and the sun streaming though the shutters would catch my eye every time. I chose it for my silkscreen print image done in conjunction with Viki Ball a fabulous printmaker in Ottawa Canada.
It is a REAL limited edition print and I hope to have it in Bermuda for my 25th anniversary show there at the Bermuda Society of the Arts in City Hall and Arts Centre in Hamilton Bermuda March 23-April 9.......

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Spring Open ... submissions

For many years now I have been a member at Dockyard in Bermuda. In fact I rented one of their studio spaces about 20 years ago. It was a dream come true then, as it has been for many artists on the island. Mine was only a month long rental, but it provided a quiet space to create. This year I am here, staying on the other end of the island. I have three small (5x5")  pieces in the Spring Open members show at Dockyard......all for sale, $200 each. (plus shipping if you order them from here....)

Sunday walk

Wandering is good for you, noticing is what artists are supposed to do, its one of the things we do best I think. Today I wandered. Bermuda roads are twisty, small, and even on a Sunday, busy. Here, the protocol is to walk with traffic, rather than against it. Trust is a big part of the equation for the pedestrian. It takes some getting used to. 

Its a warm still morning. The air is muggy. Scents linger in the stillness. The last of the freesias accost my senses. Where are they, nearby in a hidden field or glen? I wander inland through a path, to a small bay.  In here, the scents abound, 'green' is the overpowering one. Mosses cover anything older than my son. I am reminded of my father's Old Spice after shave, in the rich scent of bay spice trees as I brush past them.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

in the Bermuda studio

Featherbed Studio is in St Georges Bermuda, it is
my favourite place to paint. Here I am starting on some small pieces for the members' show at Bermuda Arts Centre at Dockyard, which opens this Sunday.
You can see the finished pieces there...
Now that these are done I can begin in earnest on my new work for my 25th anniversary exhibit here in March.

Island of my Eye

For 25 years I have been painting images of Bermuda. The walls windows doorways and gates provide a perfect tableau for my graphic sensibility. THe textures and the colours are beautiful to my eye. I find symmetry and comfort in the commonplace here.
The Bermuda Society of the Arts in City Hall, Hamilton, Bermuda will be hosting my 25th  anniversary exhibition here this spring, March 23- April 9th. Come one come all experience Bermuda, and all she has to offer!